International Psychotherapy

Our purpose is to network & collaborate in the field of psychotherapy where engaging in other cultural perspectives is key. Our educational experiences encourage and support cross-cultural learning through interactive and insightful conversations.

Cross-Cultural Couples
Online educational workshop for cross-cultural Russian/English speaking couples. Workshop offered in English only. 6-hour duration.
*Coming Soon*

Treatment of Trauma & Dissociation Workshop
Online educational workshop for Russian-speaking psychotherapists. Workshop offered in Russian only. 6-hour duration.
*Coming Soon*
My Workshop / Presentation Library
Therapeutic alliance with dissociative clients
«Особенности терапевтического альянса с диссоциативными пациентами»
Psychological Trauma and Self-Harm
«Психологисекая травма и само-повреждение»
Trauma and Bipolar Disorder
Травма и биполярное расстройтсво»
Informed Consent in Psychotherapy
«Психотерапевтический контракт»
Role of the counselor in psychopharmacological treatment of individuals with mental illness
«Роль психолога в медикаментозном лечении пациентов с психиатрическими заболеваниями»
Borderline Personality Disorder
«Пограничное Расстройство Личности»
Trauma and Shame
«Стыд и Травма»
Communication concerns in couples
«Проблемы в общении между партнерами»
“Childhood Trauma” Part 1, Batumi
«Детская травма», часть 1, Батуми
“Childhood trauma”, Part 2, Batumi
«Детская травма», часть 2, Батуми
Tele-Mental Health for Counselors ( In English)
If your therapist cannot be reached by phone and you are in need of immediate or after hours assistance, Lifeline of Central Florida is our local crisis line available 24/7 @ 407-452-2624. In the event of an emergency, please call 9-1-1.